Sarah Hayes is magic. The positive impact she has on my son’s life (and my) is immeasurable. It is so hard to describe what she does because I don’t even fully understand it, even though I am always right there with her and my son. We’ve been seeing Sarah since my son was 2 weeks old, and he will be turning 5 years old in a few months. We initially saw her for support with nursing, but it quickly became much more than that. Within my son’s first year of life, he was diagnosed with a rare micro-gene deletion and as a result is followed by a number of specialists both locally and at the IWK children’s hospital.
Sarah Hayes sees our son as a whole person. Every time we visit her, she looks at my son at that given moment and determines right then and there what she will focus on that morning. She has no predetermined notion about what treatment should look like for my son.
When my son was still an infant, most appointments with Sarah were challenging. She pushed him (and me). She saw his potential and held high expectations. Through her knowledge and guidance, my son met all of his major developmental milestones (sitting, crawling, walking). She continues to work with him to support additional gross and fine motor movements, and to also encourage his body to move in the most efficient manner. My son now melts into her arms and soaks up all of the love and “magic” she has to offer.
Sarah has not only been – and continues to be – an incredible support to my son’s development. She has also become one of the specialists I hold in very high esteem. I run many questions by her and trust her thoughtful, logical, research-based responses. She works from her heart. It is a great privilege to be in her presence.
Dwayne Parker
In May of 2018, I was diagnosed with severe cardiomyopathy. The left ventricle of my heart was swollen, and the walls thickened, unable to adequately pump blood to my body. My ejection fracture was measured at 12%, which was one of the lowest ever recorded in the clinic at the hospital. Ejection fracture is normally 55-70%. The cardiologist was unable to determine what may have caused the condition but warned me and my wife that there was a strong chance that I would die and that I should get my affairs in order.
I explained the situation to a close friend who suggested I see Sarah Hayes for a consultation to determine if there was anything she could do to improve my condition. She agreed and after a brief consultation and review of my medical records, Sarah began treatment. After 5 treatments with Sarah over a period of 6 month, I returned to the cardiac care clinic for an echocardiogram. To the disbelief of my cardiologist, my ejection fracture had returned to near normal (45%) and my condition had all but disappeared.
I can’t thank Sarah enough for her care and treatment of my condition. She is Amazing.
I experienced a concussion and have been on the post-concussion journey for three years. Every person’s journey is a bit different; however, there are key areas of treatment and life changes that are encouraged as part of your total recovery process. When I discovered people all over the world were having positive experiences with Osteopathy I thought “Why not!” I had minimal understanding of what to expect or how it all worked, but once I began treatment with Sarah and team I could physically and mentally see and feel the incremental benefits after each visit. I was hooked! I continue to experience progress in the hands of Sarah, and it is a pleasure being able to have her as part of my support team.
It is so important and comforting in the world of post-concussion syndrome to have health care practitioners that you trust, that take the mystery out of your symptoms, and that truly care about your wellbeing. I have had nothing but positive experience at the clinic, for both my post-concussion syndrome as well as my overall health.