Who we Work With
Who we Work With
Osteopathic Treatment for Newborns
We believe that it is important for all babies to get an osteopathic assessment following birth, however this approach does not replace a thorough medical exam. Our goal is to assist babies in their recovery from the birth experience, thereby helping to promote the best possible health outcome and developmental prognosis for each child. The osteopathic discipline is very precise and focuses on re-establishing and maintaining the natural relationships of bones, muscles, membranes, tissues and fluids within the body. Osteopathic manipulative treatment promotes the body’s ability to function, develop and heal itself by addressing problems found within and between these structural components.
Osteopathy checks for birth trauma, restricted patterns of movement and proper reflexes. This preliminary examination may be helpful with certain conditions such as colic, reflux, sleeping difficulties, eczema, digestive and bowel issues. We commonly work in association with lactation consultants and public health nurses for latching issues. Medical doctors in Canada are beginning to recognize the scope and benefits of an osteopathic approach to the newborn.
If you are pregnant or plan to conceive a baby in the future, we recommend you receive a minimum of one treatment each trimester. This will help the mother’s body adapt to the changes of pregnancy and encourage balance in all the structures, which may help to increase the chances of having a proper birth presentation.
One or both parents (or legal guardian) are always present while their child is being treated. Each procedure is fully explained to you as well as the reason for its application. As changes occur following treatment, the baby may exhibit different behaviours after their session. Contact your osteopath if you need clarification or if you have any questions following your newborn’s examination and treatment.

Treatment of Children
“As the twig is bent, so grows the tree”.
Assessing and treating the developing body can help to prevent restrictions from becoming part of a normal movement pattern. Many older children experiencing learning difficulties or behavioral challenges have had a history of trauma at birth or an early childhood blow(s) to the head which went uncorrected. Although it is best to correct structural problems in infancy, much improvement can be seen if treatment is initiated later. Here at the Kingsport Clinic we facilitate alignment of the entire body which underlies correct posture, balance, coordination and cognitive skills. We recommend that each child be assessed a minimum of once per year as they grow.
If your child is involved in sports, we recommend they come for a rebalancing treatment when injuries occur or at the end of every sporting season. This is a preventative health care strategy. Osteopathy facilitates delivery of nutrients for growth and repair which speeds recovery time when injuries occur.

Do you need copies of my medical tests or imaging?
In general, the more information you bring with you about your condition, the better. We prefer paper copies as we are not connected to the medical system. We can make photocopies of anything you wish us to keep in our files so you can retain original copies.
What should I wear?
In order for the osteopath to properly assess your body, you may be asked to undress down to your underwear. If this is not comfortable for you, advise your therapist, and wear loose or stretchy type clothing that allows you to move and allows the therapist to examine your structure. Please avoid tight fitting garments which do not stretch.
Is the treatment painful? Will I have to move into positions which may be uncomfortable?
During treatments, we do our best to accommodate you so that you are comfortable. We may ask you to move as fully as you can when we test range of motion but do not require you to go into any position which elicits pain. We usually treat patients lying on the table, either on their back or on their side. Some techniques require the person to be sitting or standing but we can make any position work.
Can I resume normal activities right after treatment?
We normally advise people to take it easy for a few days after a treatment to give the treatment the best possible chance of helping you the most. Easy walking or swimming is recommended and encouraged if you want to exercise.
Is there parking nearby?
We have ample parking for our patients right beside the clinic. You can also park at the wharf which is a one-minute walk down the hill from the clinic.
How can I submit to my insurance company?
At the end of your appointment you will be given an invoice which has the information needed to file with your insurer. Each provider is different, so please check with your insurance company prior to your appointment to ensure your coverage. They may require a referral from your family physician.
All of our therapists are all registered with either the Nova Scotia Association of Osteopaths, SOCATO, the Massage Therapists of Nova Scotia or the Nova Scotia Association of Naturopaths which are recognized by all major insurers.
What if my baby or toddler won’t keep still? Can you still treat them?
Yes. We have a lot of experience treating children of all ages and will be able to work with them regardless of their developmental stage or energy level.
Did we miss something?
Please let us know if you have any questions or want to discuss something further. Please write to us.